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The Insider Who Halted Global War? An Iran-Israel Revelation.

Recently, some deeply concerning information regarding the United States has come to light. It’s the kind of revelation that might make you think twice about whether any nation should fully trust the U.S. with sensitive information.

The picture circulating in international media outlets like CNN, Voice of America, and others, is of a man named Asif Rehman. This American citizen, a former CIA operative, is at the center of a major security breach that has potentially undermined global faith in the U.S., particularly among its allies.

Rehman is accused of leaking highly sensitive details pertaining to the simmering conflict between Iran and Israel. And when we say details, we’re talking about Israel’s complete operational plan for a potential attack on Iran. Everything from the timing and scale of the assault to specific target locations was allegedly passed on by Rehman to the Iranian government.

The subsequent fallout was dramatic. Iran publicly announced its awareness of Israel’s intentions, stating they knew when, how, and where the attack would occur. This revelation sent shock waves through Israel.

You might recall discussions a few months back about a potential Israeli strike against Iran. Reports suggested a significant operation, including heavy bombing of Tehran and other key Iranian cities. The Israeli Air Force was reportedly prepared. This period coincided with heightened tensions, including the assassination of a Hamas leader and reciprocal attacks between Iran and Israel. Suddenly, Israel appeared to halt its plans.

The reason for this abrupt stop was the public declaration by Iran that they were fully aware of Israel’s strategy. They boasted about their intelligence capabilities, effectively saying, “We know what you’re planning. Bring it on.” Israel was stunned. Their entire operation had been compromised.

This prompted a serious investigation within the U.S. government to determine how such critical information could have been leaked. Apart from Israel, the U.S. was the only entity with complete knowledge of Israel’s planned actions. Through its satellite network and intelligence gathering, the U.S. was monitoring the situation closely, prepared for the potential escalation of the conflict.

Somehow, Asif Rehman, privy to this sensitive data, allegedly took it upon himself to leak these plans directly to Iran.

Now, you might wonder what would motivate someone to take such a drastic and risky action, potentially jeopardizing their career and facing severe legal consequences. It appears Iran may have inadvertently exposed Rehman. When Iran revealed the leaked information publicly, displaying the details of Israel’s plans, Rehman’s role likely became apparent, or at least highly suspected, by U.S. intelligence.

Had Israel launched the attack without Iran’s public disclosure, and Iran had successfully countered, inflicting significant damage on the Israeli Air Force, Rehman’s actions might have remained undetected. No one would have necessarily suspected a prior leak of the entire battle plan. However, Iran’s decision to go public effectively sacrificed Rehman to demonstrate their intelligence prowess and deter the attack.

As a result, Israel reportedly postponed its major offensive plans against Iran for months. The leak raised serious questions within the Israeli government about the level of trust they could place in the U.S., and who within the American system might be willing to betray sensitive information. This explains why, despite aggressive actions in Gaza and Lebanon, Israel has been notably cautious in its dealings with Iran, a departure from previously anticipated actions.

From a detached perspective, one could argue that Rehman’s actions, while a betrayal of his country, potentially averted a large-scale conflict. If the information hadn’t been leaked, a full-scale Israeli attack on Iran could have triggered a wider regional war. History will undoubtedly view this event from multiple angles, depending on your perspective.

Regardless, Asif Rehman has reportedly admitted to leaking the information and is now facing significant repercussions. Iran’s decision to publicize the leak offered him no protection. His situation is dire. Furthermore, it’s highly probable that Israel’s trust in the U.S. has been severely damaged, leading them to question the loyalties and intentions of individuals within the U.S. government.

This is a significant development with lasting implications. While the immediate focus is on the ceasefire in Gaza, down the line, should tensions in the Middle East escalate again, it’s likely Israel will be far more guarded in sharing its strategic plans with the United States, a direct consequence of the Asif Rehman case. This incident may also serve as a cautionary tale for other nations, including India, about the inherent risks involved in sharing highly classified information, even with close allies.

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